Welcome system
Alaska needs to extract the id from the channel to send a message in welcome channel when a member join the server.
The id can be extracted by the name of the channel, the topic of the channel and the slowmode delay of the channel.
You can change the name of the channel and its topic, but for that it will have to remain exactly the same slowmode delay. If all is changed the system will shut down.
Leave system
This system will send a message on leave channel when a member left the server and it works the same as the welcome system.
The id can be extracted by the name of the channel, the topic of the channel and the slowmode delay of the channel.
You can change the name of the channel and its topic, but for that it will have to remain exactly the same slowmode delay. If all is changed the system will shut down.
Invite message system
This system will send a message with invite informations with the user who invited that member and this system works the same as the welcome and leave system.
The id can be extracted by the name of the channel, the topic of the channel and the slowmode delay of the channel.
You can change the name of the channel and its topic, but for that it will have to remain exactly the same slowmode delay. If all is changed the system will shut down.
Verify system
When a user join the server all the channels will be invisible for him and he will see one channel with name verify at the end of the server channels list.
He needs to verify yourself to prevent unauthorized guest bots on the server and other security purposes. He needs to press a green button with Verify account name and will be verified.
After he press the green button the verify role will be removed for him and then he can see all chanels normally.
For this system to be active everytime the role and the verify channel needs to be in this server.
Alaska extract the id from the role by name and color.
Alaska extract the id from the channel by name, topic and slowmode delay.
If all this is changed the system will be offline.
Auto-role system
When a member join the server, some roles will be automatically send to that user.
This roles are the member role, server name role and the verify role.
The server name role is not mandatory or necessary to make the system runs everytime, so you can delete him if you want.
The member role and the verify role are obligatory, because the member role will be the first role of that user and the verify role helps the verify system to be online.
If you remove the verify role, the Auto-role system will be online, but the Verify system will be offline.
If you remove the member role, the Auto-role system will be offline.
Alaska extract the ids from these roles by name and color.
If both the name and color are deleted for that role, the role will be removed from Alaska database.
Temp voice system
When a user join the voice channel with name [ Create call ] another two channels will be created.
One channel will be a voice channel where the user will be moved and onther channel will be a text channel where the user can manage the channel with buttons.
Every user can have acces to this buttons, depends on wich user created the call.
This channel should be on the server to maintain the system active.
The id of this channel is extracted by nam, topic and the bitrate of this voice channel.
This system can't be activated on template 1.